ATI through Social Innovation – Anti-corruption initiative
UNDP Armenia/Kolba Lab will apply its skills in adaptive management to crowdsource ideas for addressing corruption across Armenia. It will use ideas and small-scale social projects generated through this process to actively engage citizens in combating corruption. In particular, the project will deliver:
- At least three ATI projects (Accountability, Transparency, Integrity) jointly designed and delivered by the government, CSOs and activists;
- Synergies developed between the ATI projects and the activities under the national ATI framework.
This will contribute to the following results:
- Citizens are involved in the implementation of ATI efforts;
- Public policy is informed by citizen action and advocacy;
- A greater sense of agency will be developed among participating citizens.
Based on previous experience with crowdsourcing, UNDP has found that the quality of the ideas received from activists is in proportion to the specificity of the problems defined in the challenge at the start of the incubation cycle. As such, UNDP Armenia will crowdsource ideas which are aligned with the priorities of the national ATI framework. This focused approach ensures that the ideas and small-scale social projects generat
ed by the incubation cycle are applicable to the Government’s agenda for ATI, and thus are more likely to achieve scale and sustainability.