Kolba Lab is joining the Armenian celebration of Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW), which is funded by US Embassy. On November 17th, at 15:30-16:30 in Marriott Hotel, as part of the Career and Entrepreneurship Fair, we invite you to join a series of public talks on the topic of “Future of Labor Market”.
What profession should one choose to be competitive in future labor market? How can you foresee employers’ needs in the upcoming 5-7 years and make sure you choose the “right” education?
If you are interested to know what are the career planning and development opportunities for youth, what type of skills will be in demand in future, join our public event here!
The event will host an array of speakers from different backgrounds, who will be speaking about the tendencies of labor market developments, as well as about the professions that are yet to be designed in future.
Lianna Khachatryan – What is the profession of future ?
Presentation of the “Atlas of Future Professions” tool developed by Skolkovo Academy.
The “Atlas of Future Professions” has been developed based on a certain methodology, that makes it possible to see what kind of skills and knowledge will be in demand in the future, how certain industries are likely to develop, how new technologies effect certain professions, what type of professionals would be needed in future and more.
Lianna has more than 10 years of professional experience in human resource management and development, is co-author of the research methodology for the “Atlas of Future Professions” tool. Lianna will be speaking what type of skills and knowledge professionals of the will need to be competitive in the labor market.
Armenak Antinyan – Behavioral Economics: a synthesis of knowledge and methods from several sectors.
What is this new specialization and what type of problems can be addressed by Bhavioral Economics? Are professionals of this industry in high demand in labor market, what do employers look for in this industry ?
Armenak has received his Ph.D. in Behavioral and Experimental Economics in University of Ca’Foscari, Venice. Currently he is employed by Armenian National SDG Innovations Lab.

Anna Gargaryan – Current trends in creative industry (the talk will be in English)
How it is possible to develop creativity, art and culture sectors, and what are the future developments in this sector from the perspective of employers ? Are there any success cases from other countries, which can be useful for Armenia ? Who are the professionals working in creative industry ?
Anna is the co-founder and director of HAYP Pop-up Gallery and cultural curator for AGBU projects.
This talk is organized by Kolba Lab as part of the #Inno4dev project, funded by the European Union.