How we interact with cities we live in? How does the city shapes its residents’ behavior and how we shape the city and its’ spirit? What is the best way of interaction between citizens and cities to ensure blossom of culture and activism? Cultural life plays important role in citizens’ everyday life, impacting their interests, habits and even career, even is one not working in the cultural sector.
To explore how cities can work together with their citizens to open up to creativity and make the interaction more vibrant, we invite you to join the public talk with Robert Palmer on 20th September at UN House Armenia, 19:00 – 20:00. Join the event on our FB page.

ROBERT (BOB) PALMER is an independent consultant who works internationally on a wide range of cultural projects in the areas of cultural policy and strategy, organisational development, festivals and events, the creative economy and issues related to cultural rights and the cultural development of cities. He was formerly the Director of Culture and Cultural and National Heritage for the Council of Europe based in Strasbourg, France (2006-2013).
Prior to joining the Council of Europe, Robert Palmer had worked in the cultural sector for more than 30 years, including being an adviser to cities, regions and governments concerning cultural development and regeneration, cultural tourism, festivals and arts policies. He advises UNESCO, European Commission and many different European Cultural Institutes and cultural networks on cultural matters.
Robert Palmer was the Director of two European Capitals of Culture (Glasgow and Brussels), published a major report for the European Commission evaluating 40 European Capitals of Culture, was the Chair of the European Jury that selects European Capitals of Culture.
This talk is part of the #Inno4dev project, funded by the European Union.