In 2016 Kolba Lab organized an Open Data Hackathon aimed at using open databases to generate innovative solutions to a range of Armenia’s social challenges. As a result of 24 hours of hacking, participant Aleksey Chalabyan developed the project

Aleksey’s project utilizes the open source database of Electric Networks of Armenia and enables users to track his or her personal energy consumption history. The platform allows the user to compare possible market alternatives against the same amount of energy consumed and money spent. By simply entering their individual subscription card number, users will easily be able to compare their energy consumption energy month by month. Each user interaction supposes request data from Hydro Electric Grid (HED) platform hosting all the information.
During further development stages of the idea prototype, further features will be included such as consumption history of water and gas, requesting information from relevant databases of the provider companies. Through this web tool, energy consumers be able to track their utility consumption history and statistics, and receive information in the form of accessible visualizations.
The first stage prototype, containing electricity consumption history, has already launched, you can check it online here!
Follow us for future updates about the continued development and iteration of this idea.
Open Data Hackathon was organized as part of the Innovation for Development project, which is funded by the European Union.