How many times have you been told by an enthusiastic taxi driver that he knows the magic recipe for rapid growth of Armenia’s economy, but that there is nowhere for him to share these secrets of success? In fact, it seems that almost everyone at one time or another has responded to Government decisions by saying “If I were the decision-maker…”
Well, now you can be! Now you have the chance to have your say in the decision-making process! And, no, you don’t need to be working for a state agency to do it.

The Government of the Republic of Armenia, with the support of UNDP, has announced a call for ideas to contribute to the new third project of the Open Government Partnership.
The Republic of Armenia joined the Open Government Partnership global initiative in September, 2011. The aim of the initiative is to make the state management system more efficient, trustful, and transparent, and to promote state-citizen cooperation.
The idea or initiative that you suggest can either be completely new, or a continuation of previous reforms and ready-functioning ideas. The only requirement is that your action or initiative must be compatible with at least with one of the following four principles of open governance: transparency, accountability, participation, technology and innovation.
Submit your suggestions and ideas by filling in this form by April 30,2016.
The schedule for outreach sessions on the initiative is as follows:
April 25 – Yerevan, UN House in Armenia – 15:00- 16:30
April 26 – Gyumri, Orhus centre (Garegin Nzhdeh 12a) – 11:00 – 12:30
April 26 – Vanadzor, Municipality building (regional office?) – 14:30 – 16:00
April 26 – Dilijan, Municipality building – 17:00 – 18:00
April 27 – Armavir, Armavir development centre (Shahumyan 68a) – 10:00- 11:30
April 28 – Goris, Municipality building, 14:00- 15:30
Worth mentioning that priority will be given to those suggestions that will not only meet OGP criteria, but also will align with UN Sustainable Development Goals and RA anti-corruption strategy. Those suggestions that imply development and adoption of new law drafts, as well as require changes in the existing laws won’t be included in the Action Plan. (fulfillment of this requirement is out of RA Government’s authority). You can find more details on eligibility criteria for the commitments here.
The activities of Open Government Partnership initiative are coordinated by First Deputy Minister-Chief of RA Government Staff, Gurgen Dumanyan. Besides state agencies, the working group includes a set of civil society organizations, as well as Freedom of Information Center of Armenia NGO, Transparency International anti-corruption center, and Asparez journalists’ club in Gyumri. You can learn more on Armenia’s actions within the framework of the Open Government Partnership here.