Nowadays information technologies provide unlimited opportunities in education. Each user can use the Internet to get the most exciting specialization, without even leaving his or her home.

The same is true for chess education. If you are interested in chess, but have neither the time nor the opportunity to go to a chess school or find private chess tutor, now you have an alternative solution!

Hrayr Shaybazyan and his team has submitted their idea for online chess learning in response to the call for innovative ideas on education announced by Kolba Lab in 2017. The project will unite chess coaches and those who are interested in learning to play chess. On the web platform, each student will be able to choose a coach, who in turn can design and upload their lessons.

Students will learn online, see the chess board directly on their computer screen, complete tasks and move combinations. Through the platform one coach will be able to work with many students simultaneously via an online classroom format.

Through this online interactive learning tool, chess coaches will be able to design tasks and move combinations of different levels of complexity and save or upload them on the platform, so that they are available anytime students login to platform.

The chess learning web tool is now in the testing phase, if you are interested to participate in testing and give your user feedback, let us know by writing at