What kind of tools and solutions are out there that could help ease the management of the day-to-day life of our cities? In the fall of 2017, we tried to answer this question by inviting over 60 IT professionals to come together for a hackathon aimed at developing smart solutions for Yerevan city using datasets from sectors ranging from garbage management, mobile operator’s anonymous call logs to managements records of residential building issues and utilities.
One of the teams of the Smart City Hackathon, Datathon, was awarded second prize for developing a solution for smart garbage collection and trash bin allocation. The team used datasets provided by Sanitek waste management company to track garbage collection routes, density of population and the number of trash bins installed in two districts of Yerevan. Based on this data, a prototype of the model was developed that would optimise the garbage collection.
The solution will calculate the trash bin allocation distances, as well as use data from mobile operators to correlate this with density of population in residential buildings. By combining these two datasets, the team will be able to develop an optimized route for garbage collection cars.
The tool is planned to be ready to use in spring 2018, is you have any suggestions or interested to collaborate with the project team, let us know by writing at idea@kolba.am.
The Smart City Hackathon was organised as part of the “Inno4Dev” project, which is funded by the European Union