We are back with fresh start! As part of our new project on Future Skills and Jobs for Armenia’s Rural Youth, we kicking off with new public event series. This time, our event series are going to be in direction of foresight, specifically focused on various topics connected to unique professions, and skills that are not acquired through regular academic education.
With opening remarks from UNDP Resident Representative, Dmitry Mariyasin, our first event took place on June 24th, which was dedicated to Protocol and Business Etiquette. Based on the information received at the Russian International Protocol Forum in Skolkovo Innovation Center, our speakers, Anastasia Platonova, UNDP Partnerships & Development Officer and Arpik Baghdasaryan, Executive Associate to UNDP Resident Representative had a presentation on correct business communication, basics of protocol, and etiquette.
Anastasia Platonova brings a background of protocol experience from FIFA World Cup 2018, World Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi and research experience from Skolkovo School of Management. Arpik Baghdasaryan has been responsible for government relations and internal coordination of all 15 UN agencies. With this vast experience that they have, the speakers described the duties of protocol specialist, showed case studies and discussed about the drawbacks that were made by protocol representatives at different events, such as 2012 Summer Olympics in London, FIFA World Cup 2018, international conferences and forums. Additionally, speakers attracted the audience with discussion on rules of digital communication and dress-code.
There were several outcomes from the event, which we are glad to share with you:

– Protocol is not an obsolete idea. It’s important in diplomacy, governmental issues, business. «Rules of the protocol currently seem somewhat old-fashioned. But do not follow them is just as pointless as not to remove the hat when entering a church or shoes when entering a mosque. In fact, not everything is so ridiculous in these solemn things and prejudices», – Jules Cambon.
– Protocol specialist should be flexible, multi-tasking and stress-tolerant. They should be prepared to force major situations at any time.
– It’s important to pay attention to national flags, anthems, cultural differences, religious features and rules of seating arrangements. All details are important, any flaws can lead to irreparable consequences.
– 21st century transformed the usual format of business communication and created a new idea of digital communication.
– Dress-code is not a caprice of agencies or employers, dress-code is the necessity which demonstrates the level of good breeding.
Kolba Lab will continue to conduct this type of events and will devote it to different unique professions and future skills. Ultimately, our goal is to raise the interest of youth in different professions and promote new opportunities in regions by stimulating new interests.